Staying Motivated

Thursday 14 August 2014

Hello Again lovely readers.

Yesterday I was having one of those days. You know the ones; when you lack motivation, you're tired, you just cannot be bothered doing anything. Even if you do decided to push though and get on with your chores,  It's almost like a giant vacuum has come and sucked all the life out of you.
Its never fun feeling that way but even more so when you have a million things you should be doing. I wondered if other people struggle with the same issue?
As you can see, it really is possible to take post inspiration from absolutely anywhere.
 Today, I thought i'd show you some tips and tricks I've found helpful in order to stay motivated!
  • Look at the big picture: Sometimes its a good idea to look at what you're working towards. Maybe its a University degree, or perhaps just a clean house. Seeing that goal that you're putting all of your energy towards can be the little bit of inspiration you needed!
  • Start small, really small: If your task makes you say "wow, where do I start?" Then this one is for you. If you break your final goal into smaller, more manageable goals, you'll find it much easier to achieve.
    Lets use the 'clean house' example, You may find it daunting to have to clean the entire house, but if you break it down into rooms, you'll find the task doesn't feel as large anymore. you are free to clean room by room until the job is completed.
  • Acknowledge the little wins: Too often in life, we downplay or don't even acknowledge our successes when really, we should be doing the opposite.
    All of the little wins add up and become the driving force behind your newly found motivation. Once you've achieved something, you want to continue to achieve.
    "Success isn’t built by daily yearning for a distant goal. It’s in creating and celebrating the small wins we can plot along the way."
  • Stay tidy, Stay organized: I often find that being organized makes me feel happy and motivated. If this is you too, then take some time out to tidy your surroundings or make a checklist. If it helps, do it! Simple right?
  • Be Positive: I think this is the most important tip. Simply being in a positive mindset can make a world of difference. I am completely for procrastinating in order to improve your mood, as long as it doesn't consume all of your time of course. Its important to spend time doing the things that make you happy.

 There you go, those were my top tips for staying motivated!

I hope I was able to give you that motivation you were needing to complete your tasks! Let me know in the comments if you find any of my tips helpful or if you have some tips of your own that work well for you!
Have a wonderful weekend and I'll see you back here for another post on Monday

Love Megan xo



  1. I struggle so much with motivation! I find exercise helps (if you can motivate yourself enough to get off your sorry ass in the first place). Making lists is a good one, I get satisfaction from ticking things off. You could also stick something to your wall or fridge to keep you on track x

    1. Thankyou so much for your comment, I really do appreciate you taking time out of your day to do that. You’ve got some pretty good tips- exercise is one I didn’t even think of but you’re totally right! I also get a great deal of satisfaction from ticking off accomplishments too! Again, thanks for reading and I hope you found this helpful, Have a great day!
      Megan xo

  2. That's ok! I think your blog is lovely. I'm very new to mine - would love to know what you think! I'm on bloglovin too x

  3. Such a lovely post, and great ideas!

    Jemma In Words

    1. Thankyou so much for reading my post as well as leaving a lovely comment, it's appreciated! I'm glad you enjoyed it :)
      Have a lovely day
      Megan xo

  4. Motovation when tired is really difficult. All great tips to try and keep in the positive space to keep going Lucy

    1. Hi Lucy,
      Thankyou so much for taking the time to read my blog. I really appreciate it! Im so glad you found my tips helpful!
      Have a great day lovely!
      Megan xo
