Do You Think This Is Appropriate?

Monday 18 August 2014

Ever since I can remember, I have always been super 'Artsy'. I even won a couple of local competitions when I was younger. I just love the idea of creating beautiful pieces that you've worked really hard on.. It just had always been a passion of mine. I wanted to share with you all today a little story about my love for art, and how it got me in to trouble.

So when I was in grade 5, we were given the task to write a creative story. Let's just say that my teacher certainly found my story 'creative'... 

It was based on a creature who loved craft just as much as I did. He lived in a far away land called 'Crafty land' (I know, so original!) and his name was the 'Doodle Monster'. He looked kind of like a cow but instead of spots, he had paint patches which he could dip his paint brush tail into. The Doodle Monster was a creature who made the world a more colourful place to live in.

I was so proud of my story and illustrations and was so sure I was going to get amazing feedback. I remember running over to my teachers desk with so much excitement. So she had a read of it and gave me the most horrified look I'd ever seen. "Megan, do you think this is appropriate?" She said.
"In this classroom, we don't say that word. I expected better from you."
I was mortified!

Doodle monster. Perfectly innocent right? Well apparently not.

She insisted I changed the name to something a little less controversial.. So the doodle monster was no more. Instead I had to say hello to the crafty monster from crafty land..At least the name I chose was a bit more original! For the rest of the day, I couldn't even look at her without feeling this huge sense of guilt, even though I really didn't do anything wrong. I mean its not like it was my fault that she was so close minded right? I assure you I never made that mistake again!

As I look back on this time, I only imagine how it must of felt for my poor teacher. If it were me, I don't think I would have been able to keep a straight face. Could you imagine having to be cross with a child over something so silly? However, I think she was right to say what she did to me even if it was an extreme response. Hey, at least it makes for a great story now!

I hope you enjoyed reading my little story today. Let me know if you like these type posts, I'd be more than happy to do more! Also let me know if you've ever been in a similar position, how did you get through it?

I'll see you all on Thursday for a new post!

Love Megan xo

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